kita belajar bentuk negative dan question memakai simple past yiuk!
she cried last night.
she did not cry last night.
did she cry last night?
keliatan ngga apa aja yang berubah?
yap di kalimat negative dan question ada kata did dan kata kerjanya kembali ke bentuk pertama.
intermezzo ajah inget yang inikah?
she reads books in her spare time.
she does not read books in her spare time.
does she read in her spare time?
iyap! kalo di simple present kita mengenal do/does (tergantung subjectnya) di simple pas kita mengenal did (untuk semua subject)
ayo kita coba lagi!
he kicked the ball.
he did not kick the ball.
did he kick the ball?
ready with irregular verb?
they bought a car.
they did not buy a car.
did they buy a car?
gimana? sampai sini semua masih terkendali kan?
pic is from here.
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