Friday, September 29, 2006

due to

i can not go with you due to i have to go to the dentist.

ada yang salah ngga dengan kalimat diatas? secara sepintas sepertinya oke-oke aja yah? well yang pasti di dalam bahasa inggris tidak ada kalimat seperti itu. :D

ayo kita diskusi soal pemakaian due to.

due to seringkali disamakan dengan because of atau bahkan because. makanya muncul kalimat kayak diatas itu.

i can not go with you due to i have to go to the dentist.
mungkin diterjemahkan gini saya tidak bsa pergi dengan anda karena saya harus pergi ke dokter gigi.

a big no no.

due to tidak sama dengan because of. apalagi because. catet!

biar jelas pake contoh deh!

i can not go with you due to i have to go to the dentist.
coba ganti due to dengan because.
i can not go with you because i have to go to the dentist.
perfecto! mwah!

the show was postponed because of the rain.
pertunjukannya ditunda karena hujan.

the show's postponement was due to the rain.
penundaan pertunjukannya dikarenakan hujan.

lhoh? gimana ngebedain because of ama due to? keknyah sama sajah.


triknya mudah kok. due to cuman bisa dipakai di kalimat yang kalo due to nya diganti caused by kalimatnya akan baik-baik saja.

coba cek dengan
the show was postponed because of the rain.
pertunjukannya ditunda disebabkan hujan. kalimat yang aneh kan?
mustinya penundaaannya disebabkan hujan. yang yap di bahasa inggris adalah the show's postponement was due to the rain.

do i make myself clear?

sebelum class is dismissed (taelah!) ada kalimat yang sering dipake juga lengkap dengan due to yaitu trararaaaaaaaaa ...

i can not go with you due to the fact that i have to go to the dentist.
hihi grammatically correct sih but wordy. ribet euy. does not sound 'english' either. so save it, just replace the due to the fact with because atau since.

huattssyiiiii! great now i catch a cold! i'd better go to sleep now.

pic is from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

horeeee.. tengkyuuu bu guru!tambah jelas sekarang! *suka mix up "due to" sama "because of"*