Friday, September 22, 2006

five wives and one husband

sabtu-sabtu nerusin belajar bikin kalimat tanya yuk! itung-itung sambil nunggu jadwal wakuncar. lohh?? emang hari gini masih ada yang ngapel malam minggu yak? :p

sebelum beralih ke kalimat tanya dengan grammar lain, kita stick ama simple present dulu yak! biar yang satu ini lancar kek jalan tol (kalo pas ngga macet!) hihihi..

masih inget caranya? pake do and does?

i work in a bank.
i do not work in a bank.
do i work in a bank?
where do you work? in a bank.

udah lancar?

sekarang pake yang ini.

she buys books in the bookstore.
where does she buy books? in the bookstore
what does she buy in the bookstore? books

she goes to jakarta by plane.
how does she go to jakarta? by plane

you go to school everyday.
when do you go to school? everyday

you go to the market with tala.
who(m) do you go to the market with? tala

he likes the blue tie.
which tie does he like? the blue one.

the five wives ~ what, who, when, where, which
the husband ~ how

eh mau ikutan luluran ga? *siap-siap ke salon*

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