smua baik kan? siap belajar kan? ya ayiuuk tunggu apa lagi!
sekarang kita akan belajar so dan too.
ibu liat (ceileee!) masih banyak yang suka maen hantam kromo. okeh. so dan too digunakan untuk menyatakan juga.
liat deh contoh yang ini.
i am young. she is young.
i am young and she is too. saya muda dan dia juga.
i am young and so is she.
perhatiin deh beda peletakan so dan too! got it?
sampai sini bisa? okeh. tareeeekkk...
sekarang pake kalimat simple present deh. eh masih inget kalimat simple present kan? bagus!
she goes to school everyday. he goes to school everyday.
she goes to school everyday and he does too.
she goes to school everyday and so does he.
they play football. we play football.
they play footbal and we do too.
they play football and so do we.
naaaaaaaahh kalo kalimat yang pake to be diatas gampang aja karena dah ada to be (is) kalo kalimat yang pake kata kerja musti ati-ati jah. gunakan do atau does secara kalimatnya simple present kan.
hayooo penggunaan do ama does bergantung pada apa?
wah ituh yang dipojokan situ bener jawabannya! iyap tergantung subjectnya. hip hip hooray! :p
sekarang ready to rumble eh mencoba dengan simple past? *kedib kedib*
here we go!
i watched movie yesterday. she watched movie yesterday.
i watched movie yesterday and she did too.
i watched movie yesterday and so did she.
itu pake regular verb! masih inget regular verb kan? nah ayoh sekarang yang irregular!
they bought a car. we bought a car.
they bought a car and we did too.
they bought a car and so did we.
yap benar! sekarang bukan do and does tapi did. hayooo kenapaaaaaa??
karena simple past. ah kamuuh pinter sekali. mwah!
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