Sunday, March 04, 2007

kapan kita kemana?

ayoooo yang semangat! yang satu ini ga panjang kok. ayo buka mata, pasang telinga, jangan berisik! :D

berikutnya ...

tentu saja menerangkan dimana suatu hal terjadi. gampang kan hehe?
ada lumayan banyak adverb of place yang bisa dipake home, out, outside, back, everywhery, away, up, down, around, in, nearby, here, there, backwards, forwards, downhill, overseas dan banyak lagi dll. biasanya letaknya ada di akhir kalimat. watch these!

i went home.
he took me outside.
come here.
put it there.
he looked up.
the ship sails forwards.

terusin ndiri yaaaa :D

oiya, kadang here dan there diletakkan diawal kalimat terutama di kalimat seru, kayak ini.

here she goes!

gampang yak?

pic is from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

talking bout kalimat seru, here is one: here t is and there my princess is way far to the east..(kacau tuh kalimatnyah) _hold close:t